Jul 10, 2016
Caleb O’Hara
Caleb O’Hara has been working full-time with the Ripon Church of Christ for ten years. He is the executive director of the Recharge Excellence Conference on the doorstep of Disneyland. He has a passion for working with Millennials and has created the Expedition Winter Camp and a community for Millennials in churches of Christ called Refuge. He hates writing but is a regular writer for the Gospel Advocate Magazine. Somehow he was also talked into creating and writing in his own weekly blog at CalebOHara.com. He and his wife have three children and has spent most of his life in the Central Valley of California.
  • Jul 10, 2016Caleb O’Hara
    Jul 10, 2016
    Caleb O’Hara
    Caleb O’Hara has been working full-time with the Ripon Church of Christ for ten years. He is the executive director of the Recharge Excellence Conference on the doorstep of Disneyland. He has a passion for working with Millennials and has created the Expedition Winter Camp and a community for Millennials in churches of Christ called Refuge. He hates writing but is a regular writer for the Gospel Advocate Magazine. Somehow he was also talked into creating and writing in his own weekly blog at CalebOHara.com. He and his wife have three children and has spent most of his life in the Central Valley of California.
Sunday - Bible Class: 9am, Worship: 10am
Wednesday - Bible Class: 7pm
1709 South 112th Street South
Tacoma, WA 98444