Our Ministry Staff
Our Dream…
Even more than a dream, our goal is to be the church God would have us be. A church that respects God Word as the final authority in all things. A church that cares, serves and is truly busy.
Sharing the Glow of God’s love. Many things have changed since the first century when our Lord walked on the earth, but human nature has not. Human needs have not. We still need God, we still need love, and we still need one another. As we study God’s Word and build a church after the pattern found there, we’ll find our needs being met as God blesses us. We hope that you will want to be a part of this effort to restore the spirit and practices of the church of the Bible.
Come Share the Glow!

Brent McFarland
Brent is from Campbellsville, KY. He became a Christian the summer before his 20th birthday because he believed that Jesus loved him. In 2003 he attended Adventures in Missions in Lubbock, TX at Sunset International Bible Institute.
He served in Strasbourg, France for his mission field time for A.I.M. Since then he has served the church in FL and MI.
He currently is the preaching minister at Lakeview Church of Christ in Tacoma, WA. He is married and has three children.
His motto for ministry is, “I can do nothing on my own” Jn.5:30,15:5.
Youth Minister
This space awaiting a new hire
Office & Support Staff
Jim Karkosky
Office Staff
Peggy Horner
David & Debbie Cornwall
Machelle Turner